Donate to Scholarships via CanadaHelps

Welcome to our convenient online system for making a donation to our
Performance Scholarships Funds!

The Scholarship funds you support not only encourage and reward the exceptional young musicians of today and help them to continue to grow musically, but it pays forward down the road as these young performers become the supporters of the arts in their communities in the future!


You don’t even need a CanadaHelps account to contribute.  Just click the Donate Now button below.  A receipt for tax purposes will be issued from CanadaHelps directly.

In the drop-down box you’ll see that the first selection is “General”, just scroll down and click on “Scholarships”, scroll down to enter the amount and be sure to leave us a message.  Then fill in your credit card information, your donor tax receipt information etc. then click the big blue “Complete Donation Now” box.  


Donate Now!